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Fees and FAQs

Do you offer an initial free session?

I offer a free half-hour initial conversation which can be on the phone or online. A slot needs to be booked for that session. It’s not a therapeutic session but it will allow you to get a sense of who I am and how I work. It’s very important to find a psychologist or therapist you feel comfortable with. If the issue you want to work on is something I don’t feel well-placed to address, I’ll let you know and I’ll try to help you find someone with the right skills. You can take some time after the call to figure out if it feels like a match. If you are unsure about online therapy, it will you allow you to get a sense of what it’s like to work online.

Do you only offer online sessions?

I mostly work with people online, within the UK. My insurance covers UK, online and in-person sessions. I live on Anglesey and offer face-to-face sessions for people who live locally. Most of my work is from off the island. Most people find that online work is very comfortable for them. They feel secure and comfortable in their own place and they don’t need to factor in time for travel. It’s important to have a private space where you know you will be free to talk openly and won’t be interrupted or overheard.

What are your fees?

Fees for psychological therapy, coaching and hypnotherapy are £60 per 50 minute session.  You can choose to work weekly or fortnightly – sometimes monthly towards the end of longer-term therapy. Fees are payable in advance by BACS. If a session is cancelled with more than 24 hours notice then the fee is waived, but sessions cancelled within the 24 hour period are charged in full.

How many sessions will I need?

This varies significantly from person to person. In the initial session we will look at what you would like to achieve from therapy and anything you feel is getting in the way. After the first session we can consider and agree how many sessions you might find useful. Some straightforward issues can be addressed with hypnotherapy quite quickly. Many issues will need 6-12 sessions, and some people want to explore longer term therapy that continues for over a year.

Is it confidential?

Ensuring confidentiality is essential for you to feel confident about exploring issues safely. There are very few reasons why I would ever need to speak to someone else, usually to keep you safe, and I would always aim to talk to you about that before speaking to anyone else about you. You can read about how I manage data privacy here, the circumstances where it might be necessary to break confidentiality, how I hold information about you, when it is destroyed. When working online, it is important that you ensure confidentiality at your end too and I would talk to you about that at the initial session to ensure that you are able to be secure and comfortable in therapy.